Apr 10Liked by Marissa Gallerani

*insert that smiley face that's also tearing up because they're so happy they got the ACOTAR chaotic reader they wanted*

two notable differences here between us: i LOVED and INHALED twilight in high school (never once gave it a second thought about plot/sentence structure/character arcs/etc) and made the assumption that the ACOTAR books *would* be well written because they were so popular (i've been proven so, so wrong on this trudge through #1)

i will continue my trudge through #1, only for the fact that my bookclub is covering it this summer and i refuse to lead discussion on a book i haven't read fully. jury is still out on whether or not i read more in the series.

horrifyingly this makes me want to revisit twilight (lololol - we'll see)

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Ha, yeah Twilight and I were NOT good friends. I talk a little more about it below, but I was definitely the odd one out in my friend group with regards to Twilight so don't you worry.


I was told up front by friends that I'd just have to get through the first ACOTAR and then things would get really good. So I knew I'd just have to endure it, and honestly the last third of the book moves along at a much better pace. I can confirm ACOMAF is more entertaining to read, and per the Internet, seems to be the preferred book in the series. My friends call it 'the good book' so, hopefully that rousing endorsement will inspire you :)

I commend you for finishing the book, I am of the same persuasion. I will finish every single book I start for no other reason that stubbornness and spite. Solidarity. I'd get through ACOTAR and then decide whether you want to do the rest of the series. I've been told Throne of Glass and Crescent City are also fun but...there are only so many 800 page books a gal can read!

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Apr 9Liked by Marissa Gallerani

Thinking about giving Sarah J Maas another chance. I read the first Crescent City book and was underwhelmed. I felt like I read 800 pages where not a lot happens. I own the Throne of Glass books but have yet to read them, that could be a post right there, "A deep dive into the Throne of Glass series." I just started reading Fourth Wing, only a couple chapters in but I can see the appeal.

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I think the key with these mega popular books (for me at least) is to have appropriate expectations. I'm not expecting Octavia Butler or Ursula K. Le Guin. I am expecting a good time and to be entertained. To me, that's where it seems like people's experiences diverge dramatically.

I wasn't going to read Fourth Wing, and then learned about the EDS bit and felt obligated. I haven't read Throne of Glass or Crescent City, either, but the ladies in my writing group have and enjoyed them. I'm just along for the ride and memes 🤣

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Totally get that sentiment. I'm a huge fan of Jackie Collins. It's been a while since I read one of her books, but I always read them for fun and escapism.

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I read throne of glass as a kid and re read it as an adult, I don't know if it's just nostalgia but I loved it so much, it's a comfort book for sure.

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